Newmeasures: Insights for an exceptional workforce

Exit Surveys

Employees who leave your organization may promote or harm your brand. How do you stack up?

Reduce turnover and enhance the employee experience by using exit surveys to understand:

Ask the right questions for targeted insight.

Begin with the Newmeasures core exit survey and customize it for your organization.

Get better response rates.

Our consultants will help you determine the best work flow to get strong survey participation.

Understand areas at risk for turnover.

Slice and dice turnover by key variables to hone in on the factors that are contributing to turnover.

Get the feedback you need in real-time.

No more waiting for monthly reports. New measures reporting gives you access to the insights as you need them.

One system for the entire employee life-cycle.

Use one platform to understand the onboarding experience, employee engagement and reasons for exits.